N°8 The Verzolet valley

N°8 The Verzolet valley

History and heritage
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This short and technical route offers to experienced mountain-bikers a beautiful ride and provides a great variety of terrain on both sides of the Versolet valley.

A wide trail to cycle up along the Verzolet stream allows a gentle warm up. On the way back, everyone has his own method to ford the stream, either one stays on the bike and runs the risk of getting his feet wet, especially in case of a high water level, or one performs a careful balancing act, walking from stone to stone. You’ll be cycling your way back mostly on singletrack paths with three ascending parts, some nice downhills and beautiful scenic viewpoints.

1 point of interest

  • Architecture

    Castle and remains of fortification walls

    The Roquefeuil family lived here over a period of eight centuries, from 1250 to 1810, the date on which the owning family had to sell the castle. The building was then sold to different owners and part of it was converted into a farmhouse. Then in 1962, a couple from the Roquefeuil family bought back the stronghold.

    The castle and the whole of the old village were included in a walled area called a castrum which spread out between the Sorgues and the Verzolet rivers. The castrum was originally composed (11th century) of only a small castle that was later extended during the 13th or 14th century to protect people from the clashes during the One Hundred Years War.


Start your ride from the village of Versols. Cycle up the trail alongside the Verzolet stream passing a fish breeding farm on the way, until you reach its source in the catchment area.

  1. Ford the brook so that you are on the opposite side and take to your right a path which is lined with box trees and overlooks the left bank of the brook. You can now ride back downstream to the village of Versols.

Versols: this ancient fortified village still has its original gateway and some remains of the old battlements at the center of which is the castle. The building was remodeled during the 15th and 16th centuries and holds a carved stone bearing the family Roquefeuil’s coat of arms.

A 17th century painting, depicting Saint-Thomas putting his finger in Jesus’ wound, can be seen in the 16th century church.

  • Departure : Versols
  • Arrival : Versols
  • Towns crossed : Versols-et-Lapeyre

Altimetric profile


In case of flooding, do not try to ford the Verzolet.
Box tree moths are active from May to October. During the caterpillar phase, they feed on the leaves of box trees. They crawl down trees and move on long silken threads, although these threads are annoying when hiking they do not pose any health risk.

Information desks

Saint-Affrique Tourist Office

Boulevard Aristide Briand, 12400 Saint-Affrique



The Tourism Office is open all year round, the opening hours are:

·July and august:

From Monday to Saturday: 9h – 13h & 15h – 19h

Sunday: 9h – 13h

·From September to June:

From Tuesday to Saturday: 9h – 13h & 14h – 17h

Closed: Sundays, Mondays and bank holidays

From November to April, the office is also closed on Saturday afternoon.

Find out more

Access and parking

Situated 9 km from Saint-Affrique towards Cornus via the D7 road.

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